Poultry  – October 2024

Hens for the garden
We offer hen breeds that are specially suited to a free range, garden situation.
They are easy to rear and keep, hardy and reliable layers.
Most birds are sold at point of lay.

We have cleared our backlog of Orders, and we still have some birds available from our September batch. 

We have most of our usual breeds available, with the exception of the Blue/Green egg layers which we still can not get.

This batch, now approx 18 weeks old.

Thank you for your patience, Please watch this space for new developments.

We will endevour to keep this space as up to date as possible, but under the current uncertain times, hen availability is constantly changing, so do please contact us to check the very up to date situation on individual breeds.

You can Order hens, arrange a collection or join our next waiting list, by phoning 01245 380274.

Bio Security /Avian Flu restrictions / Covid 19.

Sorry, Bio Security restrictions remain, we can not take you up to our hen houses to choose birds, but we will do our best to select what you require.

All collections are by appointment only – when we will bring your hens to the Farm Shop for your approval, before you take them home.

Thank you for your understanding during these unusual times.

Details of the Hybrid Hens we sell: